European Intellectual Property Helpdesk
Funding Saarland
Total funding
Number of partners
The profitable use of the innovation potential of companies and scientists strongly depends on how new ideas are protected and exploited. In order to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and cross-border research projects in particular, the European Commission launched a free service initiative 20 years ago to assist with the dissemination, use and commercialization of technological developments and the professional handling of intellectual property at EU level: the European Intellectual Property (IP) Helpdesk. Since the beginning of 2019, the initiative is coordinated by the Saarland-based Eurice GmbH.
Eurice has been repeatedly involved in the implementation of the EU´s Europe-wide information and training helpdesk and has most recently been responsible for its training program and communication activities during the last three funding periods (2011-2018). "We are very pleased to continue our involvement in the Helpdesk and now be able to contribute our many years of experience as coordinator of the new team," says Jörg Scherer, founder and managing director of Eurice GmbH and coordinator of the current consortium. Other partners are the Spanish universities of Alicante and Navarra and the German technology transfer company TUM-Tech GmbH.
During this funding period, the European IP Helpdesk is even more focused on strategic management and practical exploitation of intellectual property.
"Our goal is to move away from simply providing information about intellectual property rights and more towards the exploitation potential of new ideas, research results and technological developments. We want to create a broad understanding for profitable (innovation) potential of modern IP management. The latter can no longer be limited 'only' to the management of legal processes and IP portfolios, but is to be regarded as an integral part of a general business strategy and corporate development," says Jörg Scherer.
To support users even better when building their own competences in the strategic and practical handling of intellectual property, the European IP Helpdesk relies on the involvement of external experts with a practical focus on specific areas, such as technology transfer, licensing or open innovation concepts. The initiative also continues to focus on issues relating to the management of intellectual property in the context of EU-funded projects, primarily in "Horizon 2020".
The "Ambassador" program - a cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) - also plays a central role. This network of Helpdesk "Ambassadors" not only ensures that the European IP Helpdesk's services are made better known in the respective local innovation landscape, but it also actively and locally supports European research projects and SMEs in increasing their competitiveness and in optimally exploiting their intellectual capital.
Service offer
The European IP Helpdesk offers a comprehensive range of free services for SMEs, scientists and (potential) recipients of EU funding. Europe-wide training events and regular webinars with more than 2,500 participants in front of computer screens each year give users the opportunity to expand their own capacities free of charge and to continuously educate themselves. In addition to a growing online library with factsheets, guides, infographics and application examples, the website has a dynamic news and events section and a blog. Specific questions about intellectual property issues can be directed to the helpline by mail or phone. For local support, the Ambassador network offers personal contact points in numerous European countries.

c/o Eurice GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Allee 1
66368 St. Ingbert, Germany
The European Research and Project Office GmbH was founded 2000 out of Saarland University. With nearly 50 employees located in St. Ingbert (headquarters) and Berlin, Eurice is now part of the biggest consulting and management companies for European and international scientific projects in Germany. The experienced team with different scientific and professional backgrounds supports scientists and innovative companies throughout the entire cycle of a research and innovation project: from the initial idea, through a succesfull application and implementation, to the potential exploitation of research results.