Welcome to Route2025
We support the successful participation of the Saarland’s universities, research institutes and companies in all European Research and Innovation funding programmes. Open and free of charge to all of the Saarland’s interested parties.
Look towards the horizon with Route2025
The ongoing EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020” is complex and not always easy to navigate. Find out what you need to know about the current Framework Programme and look beyond to what lies ahead: “Horizon Europe” is coming up soon – here are the most relevant facts.
Make Route2025 your first point of contact
When it comes to European research funding Route2025 offers a full range of support services to help you find the right call for your project idea and guide you through the proposal writing and submission process. Contact us, we look forward to hearing from you!
Our research is European
Read the Saarland's success stories on European research!